Canadian Political Ad Icon

Legal Compliance

Did you know the Canadian Elections Act has been amended to include a number of requirments for transparency in political advertising? We did and our solution provides a seamless mechanism to meet those requirements.

Transparency and Trust

100% of people interviewed agreed they believe Transparency in elections is critically important. And most of them agreed candidates who provided transparency seemed more trustworthy.

Benefits at a Glance

Functions like existing AdChoices Icons
Provides unified brand recognition
Multiple levels of disclosure
Icon indicates a political ad
Popup provides simple details
Click-through provides full disclosure
Detailed Reporting
Easy to modify

How to add the icon to your ad

Adding the icon to your ad package is easy. Just perform the following steps.

Set up your advertiser information

Provide the required information for the political party or issue.

Add Icon Script to your Ad Package

Take our generated icon javascript and add it to your package.

Run your ads

With the script in place the icon will show and work its magic.

DAAC Icon Requirments

The DAAC has built their icon program to make it easy to comply with certain pieces of the Canada Elections Act. Using the icon provides a flexible mechanism to meet the transparency requirements spelled out in that act.

Specifically the icon will help you comply with sections:

  • 349.5
  • 352
  • 429.3
  • 449.2

Here are the specific items required by law to be disclosed on political ads:

  • Party Name
  • Telephone Number
  • Civic or Web Address
  • Indication of Authorization

Ready to add the icon to your political ads?

Armed with all the info we provided I'm sure you're ready to start applying a layer of trust to your ads.

Start Now